Dr. Charis Psaltis


1. Psaltis, C. & Zapiti, A. (2013). Interaction, Communication and Development: Psychological Development as a social Process. UK: Routledge. ISBN: 0415643872


2. Lytras, E. & Psaltis, C. (2011a). Formerly Mixed-Villages in Cyprus: Representations of the Past, Present and Future. UNDP-ACT. ISBN: 978-9963-703-22-7 (Translation in Turkish ISBN: 978-9963-703-24-1, Translation in Greek, ISBN: 978-9963-703-23-4).

3. Psaltis, C. & Lytras, E.& Costache, S. (2011c). History Educators in the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Community of Cyprus: Perceptions, Beliefs and Practices. UNDP-ACT. ISBN: 978-9963-703-05-0. (Translation in Turkish ISBN: 978-9963-8991-5-9, Translation in Greek, ISBN: 978-9963-703-06-07)

4. Psaltis, C and Hewstone, M. (2008). Intergroup Contact Between Greek-Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. The Nuffield New Career Development Fellowship. End of the Project Report (Unpublished).

Peer-Reviewed Articles


5. Psaltis, C. (2012a). Culture and Social Representations: A continuing dialogue in search for heterogeneity in social developmental psychology, Culture & Psychology, 18(3): 375–390.

6. Psaltis, C. (2012b). Social Representations of Gender in Peer interaction and cognitive development. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6(11) : 840-851.

7. Till, K. E., Sundberg, J. Pullan , W., Psaltis, C. Makriyianni, C. Zincir Celal, R. Onurkan Samani, M. & Dowler, L. (2013). Interventions in the political geographies of walls, Political Geography

8. Psaltis, C. (2011b). From the Epistemic to the Social-Psychological Subject: The Missing Role of Social Identities, Asymmetries of Status, and Social Representations. Human Development, 54: 234-240.

9. Psaltis, C. (2010). Commentary: On the inertia of Social Representations, Papers on Social Representations, 19, 15.1-15.8.


10. Zapiti, A. & Psaltis, C. (2012) Asymmetries in peer interaction: The effect of social representations of gender and knowledge asymmetry on children's cognitive development. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42 (5): 578-588. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.1885.

11. Psaltis, C. (2011a) The constructive role of gender asymmetry in social interaction: Further evidence, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 29 (2): 305–312.

12. Tausch, N., Hewstone, M., Kenworthy, J., Psaltis, C., Schmid, K., Popan, J., et al. (2010). Secondary Transfer Effects of Intergroup Contact: Alternative Accounts and Underlying Processes. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 99: 282-302.

13. Psaltis, C. Duveen, G & Perret-Clermont, A.N (2009). The social and the psychological: Structure and Context in Intellectual Development. Human Development, 52: 291-312

14. Psaltis, C. & Duveen, G. (2007). Conversation types and conservation: Forms of recognition and cognitive development. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 25: 79-102

15. Psaltis, C. & Duveen, G. (2006). Social Relations and cognitive development: The influence of conversation types and representations of gender. European Journal of Social Psychology,36: 407-430.

16. Zittoun, T.,Cornish, F. , Gillespie, A. & Psaltis, C. (2007). The metaphor of the triangle in theories of human development. Human Development, 50, 208-229.

17. Psaltis, C. (2007). International collaboration as construction of knowledge and its constraints. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 41: 187-197.

18. Psaltis, C. (2005). Communication and the construction of knowledge or transmission of belief: The role of conversation type and behavioral style. Studies in Communication Sciences, 5: 209-228.

19. Zittoun, T., Duveen, G., Gillespie, A., Ivinson, G. & Psaltis, C. (2003). The use of symbolic resources in developmental transitions. Culture & Psychology, 9: 415-448.

Book chapters


20. Psaltis, C. (in press). Communication and the microgenetic construction of Knowledge. In (Eds.) Sammut, G. Andreouli, E. Gaskell, G. & Valsiner, J. Handbook of Social Representations. Cambridge: CUP.

21. Psaltis, C., Cabrera, C., Lytra, E., Filippou, G., Cakal, H. & Makriyianni, C. (in press). Oral history accounts of the former inhabitants of mixed villages in Cyprus: A social representations perspective. In H. Briel (Ed.), Oral History in Cyprus. Nicosia. University of Nicosia Press.

22. Makriyianni, C., Psaltis, C. & Latif, D. (2011). History Teaching in Cyprus. In E. Erdmann & W. Hasberg, Facing Mapping, Bridging Diversity: Foundations of a European Discourse on History Education, Part 1, (pp. 91-138), Germany: Wochen Schau Wissenschaft.

23. Duveen, G. & Psaltis, C. (2008). The constructive role of asymmetries in social interaction.In U. Mueller, J.Carpendale, N. Budwig & B. Sokol : Social Life and Social Knowledge: Toward a Process Account of Development. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp.183-204.

24. Psaltis, C. (2011). Intergroup trust and contact in transition: A social representations perspective on the Cyprus conflict. In (Ed.) I. Markova & A. Gillespie, Trust and Conflict: Representations, Culture and Dialogue, (pp. 83-104), London: Routledge.

25. Ψάλτης, Χ. (2007). Κοινωνική ανάπτυξη στο (Εκδ.) Σ. Γεωργίου, Tου παιδιού και του σχολείου, Αθήνα: Ατραπός,σσ 57-84. [ Psaltis, C. (2007). Social Development. In (Ed.) S.Georgiou, Of the Child and School. Athens: Atrapos]

26. Psaltis, C., Lytras,E. Costache, S.& Fisher, C. (2011). Methodology, Epistemology and Ideology of History Educators Across the Divide in Cyprus. In L. Perikleous & Shemilt, D. The future of the past, Why history education matters, Nicosia, AHDR.

Dr. Irini Kadianaki

1. Kadianaki, I., Gillespie, A., & O'Sullivan-Lago (in press). Identity transformations in intercultural encounters: A dialogical analysis. In F. Dervin & K. Risager (Eds.) Identity and Interculturality: Research Methodology. London: Routlege.

2. Kadianaki, I. (in press). Sustaining identity change through the use of symbolic resources: the case of an immigrant living in Greece. In S. Salvatore, J. Valsiner, A. Gennaro, Multicentric identities in globalizing world. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

3. Kadianaki, I., & Zittoun, T. (in press). Catalysts and regulators of psychological change in the context of immigration ruptures. In K. Cabell & J. Valsiner (Eds). Conditions that cultivate: what the concept of catalysis can offer to psychology, Annals of Theoretical Psychology Series. New York: Springer.

4. Gillespie, A., Kadianaki, I., & O' Sullivan-Lago, R. (2012). Encountering alterity: geographic and semantic movements. In J. Valsiner (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Culture and Psychology. Oxford University Press.

5. Martsin, M., Wagoner, B., Aveling E-L., Kadianaki I., & Whittaker L. (Eds.)(2011). Dialogicality in Focus: Challenges to Theory, Method and Application. New York: Nova Publishers.

6. Kadianaki, I. (2010). Making Sense of Immigrant Identity Dialogues. Culture & Psychology, 16, 3, 437- 448.

7. Kadianaki, I. (2009). Dramatic life courses:Migrants in the making. In J. Valsiner, P. C. Molenaar, M. C. Lyra, & N. Chaudhary (Eds.), Dynamic process methodology in the social and developmental sciences (pp. 477-492). New York: Springer.

8. Kadianaki, I., & Mahmoud, H. W. (2009). Commentary on Part IV. Identity and Social Reality: Formations and Transformations. In B. Wagoner (Ed.): Symbolic Transformation: The Mind in Movement through Culture and Society (pp. 323-329). London: Routlege.

9. Wagoner, B., & Kadianaki, I. (2007). Review Essay: Selves on the Move. Culture & Psychology, 13, 4, 488-499.