Researcher's Night 2012-2013
The Project has been presented twice at the stand of the Archaeological Research Unit, during these events, organized by the Research Promotion Foundation.
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International workshop "Sailing from Sailing from Polis to Empire      
Maritime Scales in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Hellenistic Period (4th - 1st centuries BCE)": This international workshop took place in 14 – 15 November 2014 and was organised by the University of Cyprus ('Sailing in Cyprus through the ages' project) and the Le Mans University, France, in collaboration with the French Institute of Cyprus (Institut Français de Chypre), CReAAH (Centre de Recherches en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire) and the Scientific Interest Group of Maritime History (Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique d'Histoire Maritime).

In the international workshop maritime archaeologists and historians from France and Cyprus presented new data and discussed important research topics, such as the geography of sailing, seaborne trade patterns and mechanisms, ship types and shipbuilding technology. The focus was on Hellenistic times, a period when sea power was undoubtedly the epicentre of ideological and political developments: naval fleets became of key importance for the kingdoms, and the new seaborne trade networks created different economic trends in the Eastern Mediterranean. The results of the programme were presented by the Coordinator Dr. Stella Demesticha and the principal investigator, Evi Karyda.    
Info day "Digital documentation and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in maritime archaeology"
The info day was organised by the University of Cyprus (programme 'Sailing in Cyprus through the centuries') and took place on the 14th of March 2015. The presentations focused on the applications of new digital methods on maritime archaeological sites documentation, with examples from Cyprus and Greece. Evi Karyda presented the application of GIS in the programme.