Fourth International Summer School in Peace & Conflict Studies, Nicosia, 9-21 July 2017
Co-opted Peace and the Pursuit of Justice:
Hidden Conflicts, Concealed Violence and New Rights
The rise of different social movements demanding rights and justice around the globe expanded our understanding of peace beyond the absence of violent conflict or the presence of liberal peace settlements. It also brought to the surface conflicts which at wartime remain hidden, or at post-violent settings marginalized from the hegemonic public sphere, such as trauma, gender-based violence and environmental destruction. A series of questions may follow:
  • What does it mean to be in peace?                                                                                                                                            
  • What can we learn from different typologies of peace?                                                                                                                   
  • How does peacekeeping and peacebuilding function in post conflict situations?                                                                               
  • How far can reflexive diplomacy contribute to peace and cohabitation?                                                                                              
  • How do forms of peace interlink with more or less pronounced forms of violence?                                                                                
  • How far does a holistic notion of peace require the persistent pursuit of justice?
From gentrification projects and the right to the city, class war and the right to live in dignity, the rights of refugees, migrants and indigenous peoples, the rights of representation, participation, consultation and access to the commons, it has become apparent that peace is often co-opted and made to serve the interests of the powerful. This calls for a critical engagement of our understanding of peace, conflict resolution, violence and justice and also calls for a new imaginary toward building a global peace culture as a resistance to the dominating voices of violence.
Location & Cyprus
The Summer School takes place in Old Nicosia, the heart of Cyprus's divided capital, which provides a conducive environment for study and rich social and cultural life. The Cyprus conflict and decades-old efforts to resolve it, including sustained civic engagement, provide a useful backdrop for examining these questions from different ethnic, cultural and ideological perspectives. Within a vibrant city, participants will be able to experience and reflect on co-opted forms of peace, resistances to peace formations, and how hidden conflicts and pursuits of justice permeate everyday life.
Teaching Faculty
International: Yael Navaro (University of Cambridge), Sandra Pogodda (University of Manchester), Oliver Richmond (University of Manchester), Konstantina Zanou (Columbia University) and others tbc.
Local: Aris Constantinides, Costas M. Constantinou, Olga Demetriou, Maria Hadjimichael, Maria Hadjipavlou, Mete Hatay, Yiannis Papadakis, Socrates Stratis, Nicos Trimikliniotis, Demetris Trimithiotis, Michalinos Zembylas.
Topics to be Covered
  • The Concealed Violence of Liberal Peace
  • summerSPrecarious Life and the Right to Development
  • Governmentality, Liminality and the Right to Diplomacy
  • Gendered Violence, Patriarchy and Women's Rights
  • Urban Conflicts and the Right to the City
  • Looting of Ocean Commons and the Right to the Sea
  • Critical Peace and Digital Communication
  • Hidden Conflicts and Everyday Justice in the Middle East
  • Historical Coexistence and Transnational Patrias in the Mediterranean
  • Blockages to Peace and Strategies of Resistance
Target Group
The Summer School brings together leading academics, practitioners and students from different locations and orientations. It attracts reflective and creative students, primarily MAs and PhDs, and/or with practical experience, working on a broad range of issues pertaining to conflict and peacebuilding. It aims to broaden rather than restrict input and synthesize different disciplinary backgrounds, professional experiences and geographical regions.
Format & Credits Awarded
The Summer School is taught in intensive morning and afternoon sessions. It is organized around lectures, seminars and fieldtrips led by experts. It also includes roundtables and discussion sessions with scholars and practitioners. There will be time allocated for student consultation, while one day will be allocated to students to present their own research work and receive feedback from the teaching faculty. All participants receive a Summer School Certificate of Attendance (5 ECTS) or a Diploma (10 ECTS) upon successful completion of a 7000 words research paper.
Fees, Accommodation & Scholarships
Participation fee: 5 ECTS - €800; 10 ECTS - 1000 euros.
Accommodation: We have made arrangements with hotels / Bed & Breakfasts in the city centre and prices for the duration of the summer school vary between €250 - €350. Please check the summer school website for a detailed list.
Scholarships: There is a limited number of full or partial fee scholarships and 2 ECPR travel grants awarded on a merit and need basis.
Applications & Further Information
For further information and to apply, check our website ( and Facebook Page ( or contact Maria Hadjimichael (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
We will assess applications at the end of each calendar month. Final deadline for applications: 18 June 2017, unless places are filled before the deadline.
Tentative Programme
For Tentative Programme, click here.
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