Welcome Message
Welcome to the website of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie research project on «Establishing Safe, Positive, Inclusive School Environments: The three-tiered Paradigm» also known as «ESPISE-3P». This is a three-year project funded by the European Commission to examine the core features and procedures of the School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) system in elementary schools in North Carolina (USA) as well as in Cyprus. Based on the prevention logic and the principles of science of human behavior, the SWPBIS system originated in the US, has been investigated extensively and has produced research evidence for more than three decades. The SWPBIS framework purports in creating and maintaining a positive and safe school enviroment, in which students are successful socially and academically. In this site, you can obtain information about the purpose and objectives of this international research investigation, its research outcomes, as well as the educational implications of SWPBIS.

Hope you find this website interesting and useful!

Lefki Kourea, Ph.D.

Research Scientist

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow