Study Ι
Υπεύθυνος εταίρος: Εργαστήριο ACTHealthy Lab, Psychology Department, University of Cyprus, B' Neurological Clinic at the Institute of Neurology and Genetics Cyprus, the Physiotherapy Department of the Nicosia General Hospital and the Rheumatism Organisation Cyprus.
Study Ι aims to collect all vital measures and questionnaires used for the assessment of chronic pain, worldwide. The main target for this pre-investigation is to determine the best existing tools for measuring chronic pain (e.g. pain frequency, pain duration, pain related quality of life etc).
Some already existing Greek tools have been used in this study after requesting permission from the authors. For measures which had not yet been translated, permission was granted for front back translation and a validation study continued. Measures will be used to assess group treatment effectiveness and the impact on patient quality of life. Recruiting the study sample was achieved by:
• Organising and running chronic pain support groups named «Stop fighting pain, re-vitalising our life» in collaboration with the Rheumatism Organisation Cyprus taking place in 3 major cities in Cyprus (Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaka).
• Collaborating with Private Medical Clinics in Nicosia where patients fill in the questionnaires.
• Collaborating with the B' Neurological Clinic of the Institute of Neurology and Genetics Cyprus for sample recruitment.
• Collaborating with the Physiotherapy department of the Nicosia General Hospital.
If you want to take part in this part of our study please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone us at 00.357.22892024(for Cyprus) ή στο 00.30.28310.77532 (for Greece).
Study ΙΙ
Υπεύθυνος εταίρος: ACTHealthy lab, Psychology Department, University of Cyprus, University of Crete, the B' Neurological Clinic of the Institute of Neurology and Genetics Cyprus as well as other community organisations.
Study ΙΙ, aims at identifying patient needs. Patients with chronic pain and patients with chronic illnesses, but do not have pain, will be recruited for this part of the study (e.g. patients with cardiovascular disease or pneumological illnesses etc.). We will compare results and establish potential differences in quality of life and coping amongst these two groups. This will aid in the better understanding of the underlying mechanisms associated with pain and will help chronic pain and chronic illness sufferers ameliorate and personalise their treatment experiences.
Study ΙΙ will also incorporate chronic pain patient's spouses, in this way we can establish whether certain psychological variables such as sharing emotions and thoughts related to pain, acceptance of patient experience etc. can help improve spouse and patient quality of life respectively. Study findings will aid in the better understanding of quality of life and how this impacts, on the overall health of the patients. In addition, the study will aid us to better understand how psychological factors impact on the quality of life of the spouses. In conjunction, these findings will allow us to understand the mechanisms that are related to the experience of pain and mainly how we can use these mechanisms to aid people who suffer from pain or other chronic conditions.

Study ΙΙ's first target is to determine the key problems that patients face so that a personalised treatment manual can be developed which is tailored to the Greek and Cypriot population. Given the mutual cultural and historical background that these two nations hold, we expect that the pain reaction and needs expressed by patients in both communities will be very similar. A needs assessment using the up to date knowledge and skills provided by the three main institutions (University of Cyprus, University of Crete, Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Cyprus), will make up the weekly group sessions.
For Sampling and Recruitment purposes:
• Randomised list of patients from the B' Neurological Clinic and the Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Cyprus.
• Voluntary participation from members of the Rheumatism Organisation Cyprus
• An opportunity sample of patients recruited from the Pain Clinic and Neurosurgery Clinic at: a) the Nicosia General Hospital, b) the Rethimno General Hospital and c) The University General Hospital in Crete (ΠΑΓΝΗ)
• An opportunity sample of patients recruited from the Nicosia General Hospital Pulmonary Department
• An opportunity sample recruited from the Cardiovascular Clinic at Aretaio Private Hospital in Nicosia.
• An opportunity sample recruited from the Cardiovascular Clinic at the General Hospital in Rethimno, Crete.
If you want to participate in this study please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone us at 00.357.22892024(for Cyprus) or 00.30.28310.77532 (for Greece).
Study ΙΙΙ
Collaborators: ACTHealthy lab, Psychology Department, University of Cyprus, Department of Psychology, University of Crete, Second (B') Neurologic Clinic, Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Cyprus.
Study III, will entail group treatment for patients with a formal diagnosis of chronic pain. The manual will have at this stage been already developed by the ALGEA team (in accordance with the needs assessment conducted under Study II). The treatment manual will be based on previous research, and a strong theoretical background. Detailed guidelines will be included in the manual so that patients end up with a very similar experience, despite different group coordinators.
No damage or discomfort is expected by taking part in this study while an increase in quality of life is expected. Our target is to assess treatment effectiveness, the treatments active ingredients, what parts of the manual need to be altered, what can be changed following patient feedback, post treatment etc. These steps will ensure chronic pain patients wellbeing in the future.
In this light, the first study participants will aid other chronic pain patients in the future. Participants will have an initial one on one interview with the treatment representatives, and people who meet our inclusion criteria will attend 10 group sessions. Each group will consist of 10 patients. Patient spouses will be requested to attend some sessions. Sessions will last around one and a half hours and will take place on a weekly basis on the day and time that is most convenient for the majority of individuals attending the group. In every session, the group will discuss chronic pain issues and a series of psychological exercises will be rehearsed while a small home task will be assigned for the next session. Prior to treatment, during and post treatment, a few questionnaires will be administered so as to determine treatment effectiveness.
Participation is voluntary, but considered very important in terms of research. Data collected will be confidential and used only by the study researchers for research purposes. Everyone who takes part in the study is randomly allocated a code that does not relate in any way to their name or any other personal information that might lead to their identification. Participants can withdraw their participation at any point in the study, even if they have originally given their consent; this can be achieved without incurring any personal cost and without having to give an explanation. In this instance, all their documents will be destroyed in their presence.
Participants will have to hold an official chronic pain diagnosis from a local General Hospital, a Private Clinic or a private practitioner licensed to practise medicine, and will have to fall under any of the 5 categories targeted by this research (see table below). Participants should know that their medical files will likely be reviewed by the medical collaborator involved in this study. If you want to participate and feel you can classify yourself under one of the following five pain categories please contact us for further advice.
Should you want to participate in this part of the study Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone us at 00.357.22892024(for Cyprus) or 00.30.28310.77532 (for Greece).