Η 'Αννα και το Κουτί
Παιδικό Ψυχοθεραπευτικό Παραμύθι
Anna and the Box
A Psychotherapeutic Story for Children
Μαρία Καρεκλά
Σύνθια-Ισαβέλλα Κωνσταντίνου
ISBN 978-9963-2409-1-3
Σελ. 56
Μέγεθος:20 x 20 εκ.
Τιμή: 10 ευρώ
 Anna and the box
Maria Karekla
Synthia-Isabella Constantinou
ISBN 978-9963-2409-0-6
Pages: 56
Size: 20 x 20 cm
Price: 10 euro

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Τα καθαρά έσοδα από την πώληση των βιβλίων διοχετεύονται στη ψυχολογική έρευνα του Εργαστηρίου ACThealthy: Κλινικής Ψυχολογίας και Ψυχολογίας της Υγείας του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου.
Επιστημονικές δημοσιεύσεις
Under review/In press

Van Daele, T., Karekla, M., Kassianos, A.P., Compare, A., Haddouk, L., Salgado, J., Ebbert, D.D., Trebbi, G., (on behalf of the EFPA project group on eHealth), Bernaerts, S., Van Assche, E., De Witte, N.A.J. (under review). E-mental health essentials following the COVID-19 outbreak: recommendations for policy & practice in Europe and beyond. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.

Wingen, T., Englich, B., Estal-Munoz, V., Mareva, S., Kassianos, A.P. (under review). Exploring the relationship between social class and Health-Related Quality of Life: The mediating role of power and status. Applied Research in Quality of Life.

Notley C., Ward, E., Kassianos, A.P., Kurti, A., Mitchell, F., Nostikasari, D., Payton, J., Spears, C.A., (under review). Negotiating cancer preventative health behaviours and adapting to motherhood: the role of technology in supporting positive health behaviours. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health and Wellbeing.

Plackett, R., Kassianos, A.P., Kambouri, M., Raine R., Duffy, S., Hamilton, W., Kay, N., Mylan, S., Hopwood, J., Schartau, P., Gray, S., Bennett, S., Valerio, C., Rodriguez, V., Player, E., Evans, D., Goundry, L., Van Hamel Parsons, V., Sheringham, J. (under review). Online patient simulation training to improve clinical reasoning: A feasibility randomised controlled trial. BMC Medical Education. 

Charalambous, H. and Kassianos, A.P. (in press). Early Palliative Care (EPC) trials for patients with advanced incurable cancer: what have we learned and how can we improve future trials and patients’ care. In M. Silberman (Ed.) Palliative Care: Volume 2, The Role and Importance of Research in Promoting Palliative Care Practice: Methods and Outcomes.

Zacharia., M., Ioannou, M., Theofanous, A., Vasiliou, V. S., & Karekla, M. (revised and resubmitted). Does Cognitive Fusion show up similarly across genders and clinical status? Psychometric properties and invariance of the Greek – Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (G-CFQ).

Zacharia, M., & Karekla, M. (Book chapter accepted for publication). Conceptualization and Treatment of Depression in Cancer Patients: The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Perspective. In G. Panayiotou (Ed.). Springer International Publishing AG.

Konstantinou, P., Ioannou, M., Almas, I., Gloster, A. T., Kassianos, A. P., & Karekla, M. (2020). The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in Chronic Health and Related Conditions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (In preparation).

Konstantinou, P., Georgiou, G., Panayides, A., Papageorgiou, A., Wozniak, G., Almas, I., Kassianos, A. P., & Karekla, M. (2020). Medication Adherence in Chronic Conditions: A Scoping Review of Barriers, Facilitators and Interventions (In preparation).

Konstantinou, P., Kasinopoulos, O. Karashiali, C., Georgiou, G., Panayides, A., Papageorgiou, A., Wozniak, G., Kassianos, A. P., & Karekla, M. (2020). A Scoping Review of Medication Adherence Assessment Methods across Chronic Conditions (In preparation).

Papageorgiou, D., Martin, P., Rodriguez, I., Edbrooke-Childs, J. (submitted). Child mental health clinicians' attitudes towards outcome monitoring: An evaluation of the Attitudes to Routine Outcome Assessments Scale. Child and Adolescent Mental Health.


Kaushal A., Kassianos, A.P., Sheringham J., Waller, J., von Wagner, C. (2020). Use of social media for cancer prevention and early diagnosis: scoping review protocol. BMJ Open; 10, e033592. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033592.

Theofanous, A., Ioannou, M., Zacharia, M., Georgiou, S. N., & Karekla, M. (2020). Gender, Age, and Time Invariance of the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) and Psychometric Properties in Three Greek-Speaking Youth Samples. Mindfulness, 110. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-020-01350-5

Zacharia, M. & Karekla, M. (2020, March). «FACE COVID»: Αντιμετωπίζοντας τον Κορωνοϊό. March 24, 2020. University of Cyprus newsletter to all staff and students and picked up by newspapers and online news pages across Cyprus and Greece (e.g., https://www.psychologynow.gr/arthra-psyxologias/koinonia/koinoniki-symperifora/8598-facecovid-antimetopizontas-ton-koronoio.html and https://paideia-news.com/panepistimiokyproy/2020/04/02/«face-covid».-antimetopizontas-ton-koronoio-2-4-20/? fbclid=IwAR1AVu5AdhHSDcssibzramqI8tJyXV5TEG2sGrDnEAODdNwBzvGNR8aIDA)

Konstantinou, P., Trigeorgi, A., Georgiou, C., Gloster, A. T., Panayiotou, G., & Karekla, M. (2020). Comparing apples and oranges or different types of citrus fruits? Using wearable versus stationary devices to analyze psychophysiological data. Psychophysiology, e13551. https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.13551


Zacharia, M. & Petridou, M. (2019, May). Empathy: The heart of the therapeutic process. Published at the Cyprus Psychological Association (CYPSA) magazine "SYNDESOU", Issue 3.

Karekla, M., Konstantinou, P., Ioannou, M., Kareklas, I., & Gloster, A. T. (2019). The Phenomenon of Treatment Dropout, Reasons and Moderators in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Other Active Treatments. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 1(3), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.32872/cpe.v1i3.33058

Kassianos, A.P., Plackett, R., Schartau, P., Bennett, S., Valerio, C., Hopwood, J., Kay, N., Mylan, S., Sheringham, S. (2019). eCREST – a novel online patient simulation resource to aid better diagnosis through developing clinical reasoning. BMJ Simulation &Technology Enhanced Learning.

Kassianos, A.P., Ward, E., Rojas-Garcia, A., Kurti, A., Mitchell, F., Nostikasari, D., Payton, J., Saadi, J-P. Spears, C.A., Notley, C. (2019). A systematic review and meta-analysis of behaviour change techniques in interventions initiated after pregnancy to promote breastfeeding amongst postpartum women. Health Psychology Review, 13(3), 344-372.

Levens, S.M., Sagui-Henson, S.J., Padro, M., Martin, L.E., Trucco, E.M., Cooperman, N.A., Baldwin, A.S., Kassianos, A.P., Mdege, N.D. (2019). The effects of positive affect and episodic future thinking on temporal discounting, and healthy food demand and choice among overweight and obese individuals: Protocol for a pilot 2x2 factorial randomized controlled study. JMIR Research Protocols, 8 (3), e12265. doi:  10.2196/12265 Available at: https://www.researchprotocols.org/2019/3/e12265/

Ioannou, M., Kassianos, A.P., Symeou, M. (2019). Perceived social support in young adults protects against depression only under moderate levels of stress. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2780. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02780


Karekla, M., Zacharia, M., & Koushiou, M. (2018). Accept Pain for a Vital Life: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Pain. In C. Charis & G. Panayiotou (Eds.), Somatoform and Other Psychosomatic Disorders (pp. 163-191). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Kassianos, A.P., Ioannou, M., Koutsantoni, M., Charalambous, H. (2018). The impact of specialized palliative care on cancer patients’ Health Related Quality of Life: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 26, 61-79. doi: 10.1007/s00520-017-3895-1 Available at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00520-017-3895-1?wt_mc=Internal.Event.1.SEM.ArticleAuthorOnlineFirst

Plass, A. M., Gruszczynska, E., Ingmar, S., & Kassianos, A. P. (2017). Health Psychology Practice in Europe and other countries represented in the EHPS: A first step to moving forward together. European Health Psychologist, 19(6), 368-374. Available at: http://www.ehps.net/ehp/index.php/contents/issue/view/93/showToc

Kassianos, A. P., Gruszczynska, E., Ingmar, S., & Plass, A. M. (2017). Future directions in Health Psychology Practice in Europe and other countries represented in the EHPS: Moving Forward Together. European Health Psychologist, 19(6), 400-404. Available at: http://www.ehps.net/ehp/index.php/contents/issue/view/93/showToc

Kassianos, A.P., Georgiou, G., Papaconstantinou, E., Detzortzi, A., Horne, R. (2017). Smartphone Applications for Educating and Helping Non-motivating Patients Adhere to Medication That Treats Mental Health Conditions: Aims and Functioning. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1769. Available at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01769/full.

Woringer, M., Jones-Nielsen, J., Zibarras, L., Evason, J., Kassianos, A.P., Harris, M., Majeed, A., Soljak, M. (2017). Development of a questionnaire to evaluate patients’ awareness of cardiovascular disease risk in England’s National Health Service Health Check preventive cardiovascular programme. BMJ Open. 7:e014413. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014413 Available at: http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/7/9/e014413

Zarouna, S., Kassianos, A.P. (2017). Ενίσχυση της φαρμακοθεραπείας πρώτης επιλογής στην Ιδεοψυχαναγκαστική Διαταραχή [Augmentation therapy in obsessive compulsive disorder]. Cyprus Medical Review, 3, 23-29.

Kassianos, A.P., Raats, M.M., Gage, H. (2017). Post-diagnostic dietary changes in prostate cancer: associations with patients’ wellbeing and the perceptions of GPs. European Journal of Cancer Care, 26(4). doi: 10.1111/ecc.12599 Available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ecc.12599/full

Usher-Smith, J., Kassianos, A.P., Emery, J.D., Abel, G., Teoh, H., Hall, S., Neal, R., Murchie, P., Walter, F.M. (2017). Identifying people at higher risk of melanoma across the UK: a primary care based survey. British Journal of Dermatology, 176:939-948. doi: 10.1111/bjd.15181 Available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bjd.15181/full 


Edbrooke Childs, J., Barry, D., Rodriguez, I. M., Papageorgiou, D., Wolpert, M., & Schulz, J. (2016). Patient reported outcome measures in child and adolescent mental health services: associations between clinician demographic characteristics, attitudes and efficacy. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 22 (1), 36-41.

Karekla, M., Papageorgiou, D., Constantinou, M. (2016, October 25). Placebo Effects: From myth to reality. [Review of the book Placebo talks: Modern perspectives on placebos in society, by A. Raz & C. S. Harris (Eds.)]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kassianos, A.P., Ioannou, M. Symeou, M., (2016). The health locus of control concept: Factorial structure, psychometric properties and form equivalence of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales. Health Psychology Open, 1-10. doi: 10.1177/2055102916676211 Available at: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2055102916676211

Mareva, S., Thomson, D., Marenco, P., Vintergaard-Ott, C., Munoz, V.E., Schmidt, B., Wingen, T., Kassianos, A.P. (2016). Study protocol on ecological momentary assessment of health-related quality of life using a smartphone application. Frontiers in Psychology. 7:1086. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01086 

Kassianos, A.P., Raats, M.M., Gage, H. (2016). An exploratory study on the information needs of prostate cancer patients and partners. Health Psychology Research, 4, 4786. doi: 10.4081/hpr.2016.4786. Available at: http://pagepressjournals.org/index.php/hpr/article/view/4786/5782

Kassianos, A.P. (2016). Adherence with Prescription Directions. In S. Boslaugh (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Society. SAGE Publications Inc.

Kassianos, A.P. (2016). Quality of Life Research. In S. Boslaugh (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Society. SAGE Publications Inc.

Kassianos, A.P. (2016). History of Pharmacological Treatments for Mental Health. In S. Boslaugh (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Society. SAGE Publications Inc.

Kassianos, A.P. (2016). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAHMSA). In S. Boslaugh (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Society. SAGE Publications Inc.

Kassianos, A.P. (2016). Behavioural Pharmacology and Substance Abuse. In S. Boslaugh (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Society. SAGE Publications Inc.


Kassianos, A.P., Ignatowicz, A., Greenfield, G, Majeed, A., Car, J., Pappas, Y. (2015). ‘Partners rather than just providers…’: A qualitative study on healthcare professionals’ views on implementation of multidisciplinary group meetings in the North West London Integrated Care Pilot. International Journal of Integrated Care, 15(3). doi: 10.5334/ijic.2019 Available at: http://www.ijic.org/index.php/ijic/article/view/2019

Kassianos, A.P., Raats, M.M., Coyle, A. (2015). Perceived influences on post-diagnostic dietary changes among a group of men with prostate cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care. 24, 818-826. doi: 10.1111/ecc.12357 Available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ecc.12357/abstract?userIsAuthenticated=false&deniedAccessCustomisedMessage

Kassianos, A.P., Emery, J.D., Murchie, P., Walter, F.M. (2015). Smartphone applications for melanoma detection by community, patient and generalist clinician user: a review. British Journal of Dermatology. 172(6), 1507-1518. doi: 10.1111/bjd.13665 Available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bjd.13665/full 

Kassianos, A.P., Raats M.M, Peacock, M., Gage, H. (2015). Quality of Life and Dietary Changes Among Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review. Quality of Life Research. 24(3), 705-719 doi: 10.1007/s11136-014-0802-9

Apostolou, A., Zacharia, M., & Frantzides, N. (2015). Children's tactics of mate choice manipulation: Exploring sex differences and personality effects. Personality and Individual Differences, 80, 6-11.
Apostolou, M., & Zacharia, M. (2015). Parental choice in children's minds: Exploring personality, sex and age contingencies. Social Influence, 10(3), 168-179.
Apostolou, M., & Zacharia, M. (2015). The evolution of sports: Exploring parental interest in watching sports. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1, 155–162.

Usher-Smith, J.A., Emery, J., Kassianos, A.P., Walter, F.W. (2014). Risk Prediction Models for Melanoma: A Systematic Review. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 23(8), 1450-63 doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-14-0295 Available at: http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/early/2014/07/16/1055-9965.EPI-14-0295.full.pdf+html

Kassianos, A.P. (2014). The Use of Telephone Interviews in Qualitative Psychology Research: A Reflective Methodological Exercise. QMIP Bulletin. 18, 23-26. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266558337_The_use_of_telephone_interviews_in_qualitative_psychology_research_A_reflective_methodological_exercise

Apostolou, M. & Zacharia, M. (2013). Sexual selection under parental choice: Mating strategies and reproductive success. In R. M. Geldani & M. A. Davin (Eds.), Sexual selection: Evolutionary perspectives, mating strategies and long-term effects on genetic variation (pp. 93-108). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Kassianos, A.P. (2013). Benefit Finding in Cancer: The Argument of Being Positive. PsyPag Quarterly, 89, 53-56. Available at: https://www.academia.edu/5344937/Benefit_Finding_in_Cancer_The_Argument_of_Being_Positive

Ogden, J., Stavrinaki, M., Stubbs, J (2009) Understanding the role of life events in weight loss and weight gain. Psychology, Health & Medicine 14 (2) 239-249.